General Questions

What is the eligibility of individuals and NGOs for Donations under 80G?

Government approved (registered) trust/ organisations are eligible for 80G deductions. You can easily check the registration of trust/ organization through the Income Tax Website. Simply visit www.incometaxindia.gov.in & check for the trust/organization.
All taxpayers (individuals/companies/Hindu Undivided Families) are eligible to make donations to charity under Section 80G.

What is the payment mode of donation for availing the benefit under Section 80G?

In case you wish to claim income tax deduction benefit in respect of the amount you have donated to eligible institutions you need to adhere to the following:

  • No deduction or income tax benefit shall be given for donations made in kind such as donation of clothes, food etc.
  • No tax benefit for cash donations exceeding Rs. 2000 shall be allowed to the taxpayer.
  • The payment for a higher amount (exceeding Rs. 2000) should be made through cheque, net banking, demand draft, credit card or other banking channels.
  • In case of non-realization of Cheque/ Money Instrument or reversal of credit card charge or reversal of amount for any reason, no deduction can be availed 

For availing Tax deduction receipt, you need to provide following information:

  • Aadhar Number/ PAN Number
  • Address
  • E-mail ID
  • Telephone number

Can a tax deduction under 80G be claimed on all sources of income?

You can claim deduction on all types of income except those incomes which are taxable at special rates. For e.g. short term capital gains, long term capital gain etc.

How to claim deduction under Section 80G in Income Tax Return?

For claiming deduction u/s 80G, you have to submit the following details in your Income Tax Return (ITR):

  • Full Name of the Donee Institution
  • Amount of contribution made in the corresponding financial year
  • PAN Number of Donee
  • Address of Donee

How to calculate the amount of deduction under 80G?

The exemption is calculated by reducing the donated amount from your taxable salary. For instance, if your taxable income per year is ₹2,00,000 and you make a donation of ₹5,000 then your net taxable income will become ₹197,500. Your tax will now be calculated on this new amount basis the prevailing tax rates. Check the category in which the fund/charitable institution falls (100% or 50% deduction with or without maximum / qualifying limit).

  • When the payment is made to the first category then there is no need for further calculations, just claim 100% or 50% of the donation amount subject to taxable income.
  • When payment is made to the second category you need to first find out the maximum/qualifying limit. The maximum / qualifying limit is 10% of the “adjusted gross total income”.
  • Now use this formula to arrive at the amount of deduction =
  1. Gross Qualifying limit = All donations made to category 2
  2. Net Qualifying limit = This is 10% of the “adjusted gross total income”.
  3. Amount Deductible = 100%/50% of the donation amount subject to qualifying limit.

What is the minimum amount that needs to be donated to get a tax exemption?

A minimum of ₹500 needs to be donated to avail tax exemption under IT sec 80G. However, cash donations above ₹2,000 are not applicable for 80G certificates.

When can I get a Tax Exemption certificate?

We generate the tax certificate within 6 days from the date of contribution made through online donations. Including the courier process, it takes 10 days for the exemption certificate to reach you. If you contribute offline it takes 15 to 20 days. However, we may not be able to provide you with a duplicate receipt. But we can send you the Income Tax Exemption certificate copy.

I am an NRI. Will I get tax exemption on my donation?

NRI (Non-Resident Indian) donors, who are Indian citizens, holding an Indian passport are eligible to tax exemption under section 80 G of the Income Tax Act. Don’t forget to mention your Indian PAN Card Number in the online donation form to avail the tax benefits. 

You can also write to [email protected] for any further queries.

We are registered under 80G(5) of the Income Tax Act, 1961